Overseas Countries
and Territories Association
The European Parliament approved on Tuesday 6 July the compromise text between EU institutions on the European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF)
A total of €6.1 billion will be allocated to sustainable fisheries and to safeguarding fishing communities between 2021 and 2027.
5.3 billion will be allocated to the management of fisheries, aquaculture and fishing fleets, while the rest of the budget will cover measures such as scientific advice, control schemes, market information, maritime surveillance and safety.
The EMFAF is aligned with the Common Fisheries Policy, which sets out rules on the sustainable management of European fishing fleets and the conservation of fish stocks.
EMFAF will support fishing communities by compensating those who have been forced to cease their activities, temporarily or permanently, due to the pandemic and the fund will also provide specific allocations to support young fishermen (under 40 years of age) registering a vessel in the EU fishing fleet for the first time.
Finally, the fund will contribute to clean and healthy seas and oceans.
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