Overseas Countries
and Territories Association
01/06/2014 - 31/05/2019
Erasmus +
School Exchange Partnerships
This project presented by the University of New Caledonia (3000 students) is related to the student and staff mobility. It aims to enhance student mobility for people which living territory is an island located 20 000 km away from European union. The project helps students and staff find opportunities to study or work abroad generally with the goal of improving language skills in European languages.
However, the project also had other positive externalities such as an expansion for the students or staffs networking possibilities, new work opportunities for students and staff, and increased partnership between the university of New Caledonia and European universities. It undoubtedly provides the opportunity to learn more in situation and to use the students’ skills in their favorite areas – trade, management, canvassing, negotiation, etc. Of course, foreign languages are also placed in the limelight as they are to be comprehended, used, and experienced in the reality of an authentic framework. These projects help create a bridge between the core of Europe and its periphery, reducing unequal work opportunities between the core and the periphery.
Students who participate either find opportunities to work in Europe or come back to New Caledonia with more skills and a bigger network of work opportunities in New Caledonia. Staff who participate learn new learning methods increase their language skills and gain opportunities for more exchanges between teachers from all of Europe whether those exchanges are formal or informal. These courses help strengthen bilingualism, performance, and motivation of the teacher. Teaching techniques, new methods acquired will be disseminated to other English teachers but also in the arts to develop the idea of the European mobility and exchanges between European teachers.