Overseas Countries
and Territories Association
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Wallis and Futuna
Biodiversity conservation and restoration
The Federation of Associations for the Protection of the Environment Haofaki te Ulufenua brings together more than 20 village associations in Wallis and Futuna. The village associations are chaired by the village chiefs. The particularity of the village associations is that they are both recognised as associations under the law of 1901, but are also recognised by the customary authorities. The Federation of Associations advocates for informed decision-making by institutions. The chiefdoms, the Prefect, the elected members of the territorial assembly and the Church represent the influential bodies for decision-making. It promotes the sharing of information on risks and issues related to biodiversity and ecosystem services. The main efforts of this association are focused on the development of beaches with rocky barriers and on raising awareness on waste management. It is the only association that integrates an environmental component and participates in raising public awareness of these issues.