Overseas Countries
and Territories Association


Agence de développement de la Nouvelle Calédonie (ADECAL)

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COSME - Single Market Programme

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Horizon Europe

New Caledonia


Trade and regional integration

Climate Change

Energy transition and Renewable energy

Research & Innovation


Biodiversity conservation and restoration




Agence de développement de la Nouvelle Calédonie (ADECAL)

ADECAL is the economic development agency of New Caledonia. It was founded by the public authorities (the State, the Government of New Caledonia and the three provinces – North, South and the Loyalty Islands) and benefits from the support of the business community which is also represented on its Board of Directors.

ADECAL is responsible for the promotion of New Caledonia’s economic potential, the management of public applied scientific research programmes -marine and terrestrial- with a view to transferring them to the private sector and an innovation and export development programme.
By the end of 2011, ADECAL was entrusted with additional missions in terms of innovation, transfer and training, through the creation of the New Caledonian Technopole (ADECAL Technopole).

The New Caledonia Technopole was set up to respond to a demand – widely shared by the public authorities, tertiary education and research stakeholders and the corporate world – to use innovation as a leverage for economic development and diversification.

The 70 Technopole personnel work on sites located in 10 municipalities, spread over the 3 provinces of New Caledonia. They also draw support from local, national and international public and private partners.

With regard to governannce, ADECAL Technopole is an association under the Law of 1901, whose General Assembly has 20 members and brings together representatives of public authorities, organisations representing the private sector and research. Full members, which provide for its core funding, are the French Government, New Caledonia Government and the 3 Provinces (Loyalty Islands, North and South).



ADECAL Technopole